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"Write a poem about the SCWC" contest winners

Cheryl Wray

We are still recovering from (and celebrating!) the success of this year's Southern Christian Writers Conference.

We had a wonderful turnout with more than 200 attendees, and had a meaningful experience led by exceptional keynote speakers and workshop leaders.

It was truly a special time!

But don't just believe us. Believe the following attendees who stepped up to our recent online writing challenge and created an original poem about their experiences at this year's Southern Christian Writers Conference.

We had many submissions to the writing challenge, but had to narrow down and select our favorite poems.

Following is our top winner, plus the others we selected as our favorites. (We were especially struck by the great diversity of the poems. A lot of humor--as you'll see from our winning entry--but also lots of inspiration. It makes us smile to see how the conference affected attendees in different ways.)

We hope you enjoy reading the poems as much as we did...and we know that the poems will take you back to the fun and inspiration you had if you attended the SCWC this year.


(Untitled) by Breanna Black

I am ready and eager to try something new,

Then I try and be patient and find something to do.

I pack my bags when the time finally comes,

Oh, no! Anxiety! I now need some Tums.

You see, I was trying to hide from these “feels,”

Pretend 200 people would be no big deal.

When I arrive at the door, I hear all the chatter,

My mind starts to race as if I’m the Mad Hatter.

You can do this, you’ve got this, I silently say.

So, I walk in smiling and embrace my first day.

You know good and well that God brought you here,

And what better way to overcome this great fear?

All’s going well, the speakers are great.

Yes, Lord, you knew that I’d be okay.

I smiled a lot in those Great Room chairs,

But heard God laugh out loud when I saw the stairs.

I knew there were elevators, but I wouldn’t cheat.

No, The Devil would not defeat me.

I hobbled and wobbled, as I climbed to the top,

After 26 steps I thought I would drop.

Finally I made it; I thought I might die,

But I heard a good speech on bringing characters to life.

Back down the steps, I bounded with grace,

Yeah, no, really I traipsed so as to not fall on my face.

I listened to speakers that God had chosen himself,

Not a single speaker spoke that I felt didn’t help.

I learned so much about myself AND my Creator,

Mostly how to listen as he whispered,



"Twas the Day before the Conference" by Doyce Powell

Twas the day before conference when all through the town

Writers were invading, taking all rooms that could be found.

Arriving from Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, and Tennessee.

Across the nation, and here they be.

All with a story waiting to be read,

Could be the best thing since sliced bread.

Some were published with a feather in their cap.

And others who had no idea were all over the map.

Should I write an article, or turn into a  book?

Perhaps, I could write a novel with a great hook.

Then, the next day they came as quick as a flash,

In hopes their work would make a splash.

Some feared, being told no doubt.

Do not publish that, you'll shoot your eye out.

Fearless they came because great writers truly know.

Great Oaks from little acorns grow.

Suddenly, like bees swarming a busy hive twas clear.

The time had come for all writers to draw near.

Seeing old friends, and calling them by name.

While others across the parking lot, pulling their carts they came.

Authors, novelist, bloggers, poets, and writers second to none.

This year SCWC season has truly begun.

Here's your badge, don't forget your bag.

You will know a staff member by a certain color tag.

Sit at any table, you're our special guest.

If you have a need, we will surely do our best.

In front of you, please fill out all the questionnaires,

Rest rooms are that way, our classes are upstairs.

Dont forget the break room with cookies, snacks, and such.

We will meet down here for supper, and tomorrow for lunch.

Those in the kitchen, the staff is cooking up a delicious feast.

Come hungry to the best eaten in the Southeast.

Be careful not  to eat too much food overall,

If you don't want to hear the keynote speaker feeling like a butterball.

After the speeches, and out of the blue,

Like shoppers on black friday at a shopping mall they flew.

Up to the second floor and first to the book room.

Sounded like an echo similar to a sonic boom.

Meandering down the hall without looking like a goof.

To browse all the great reads under one roof.

And so much talent more than hanging around

Some are newly published while seasoned authors have broken new ground.

Gives hope to those yet written by getting on the right foot.

They too can be sitting while others browsing, well put.

Cause no project that was filed a while back.

Will ever complete itself, land on the table, and jump in one's sack.

Well, time for classes had arrived,

while selecting the titles they would carry.

With a glance, each one checked out their itinerary.

So many choices, that was really sweet.

As each one went to their class and took their seat.

Some learning when to write the first line,

Where to query that article about the World's Largest Ball of Twine.

So much to learn, one can suppose,

as this valuable day draws to a close.

Tomorrow there's more, and if your brain begins to sizzle,

And, you can't stop your thoughts that want to drizzle,

When your mind is racing like it's in a dog fight.

Even if your tired, and your thoughts are wired.


"When I Walked In" by Jennifer Huskey

I could not understand the joy around and the love that surrounded me. I knew it was meant for me to be there. But why did people care so much? Once I realized it was meant to be I figured out writing is my calling. The lessons I learned taught me that it isn't easy to write alone until you hear that voice within. All the encouragement around I could not understand. It was the love that surrounded me that turned me around. The memories will last for the journey I start is a big task.  The encouragement is what I needed to start this task of writing.

"A Writer's Conference" by Kristy Ensor

The keynotes were inspiring

The workshops too

Much knowledge I was acquiring

Everything was great; I was saddened when it was through

I learned so much

SCWC is a must do

I can't wait until next year; Already planning to go back

I met new friends...

With positive feedback

I was changed as a writer for coming days

The experience was wonderful

And I have nothing but praise

Throwing down my pen

Giving my writing to God

Can't wait to see what He does through me... again & again

"Sweet Retreat" by Crystal Byrd

Anointing pouring out to the crowd from the hearts of great writer’s minds.

Shift of perspective as the call of a writers life is laid out for all.

Great ideas and creations arrayed before the eyes to lead and guide us to sublime.

Laughter and love fill the air, thankful we share another year.

Encouragement engulfs each corner and nook, pointing the way to another great book.

New friends, new faces, old pals, old places.

Food, fun, music, mystique.

This you will find at the sweet retreat.

"Make Every Word Count" by Nancy Duren

Excitedly we arrive,

proposals in tow.

We’re thankful to be alive,

with streets torn up so!

Like children who meet in a park,

point at each other with glee,

we’re drawn by a common mark,

our purpose, quite literally!

The book room, worship,

warm greetings with friends.

It’s so great to be here again!

One after another,

the speakers all say

just what is needed

to help on our way.

Diligence in writing,

set daily goals.

Get “scared spitless”

as you try on new roles.

Perfect your craft,

be your best.

In each opportunity,

pass the test.

In season and out

be ready to shine.

I can’t run your course,

but I must run mine.

God gives the gift

and empowers our writing.

He sends gifted mentors.

Our way they are lighting.

Much thanks to Him

for all He has given

through all those who

make writing their living.

These words I’ll remember

as I climb each mount,

“There is nothing insignificant.

Make every word count.”

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