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Cheryl Wray

The Point of Inspiration: Leave your Mark!

Updated: Sep 3, 2021

by guest blogger James L. Cartee, III

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles.

And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.”

Hebrews 12:1-2a (NIV)

Are you bringing the passion?

Are you pursuing the matters of your heart?

Are you giving everything you got?

How bad do you really want it?

Perhaps your family provided for you, or perhaps not. Other individuals have probably sacrificed at great lengths, so that you can do better than fifty percent of your best efforts.

In order to LEAVE your MARK on this EARTH, there are three prominent lessons that you have realize and absorb into your very being.

1.) Accept what you cannot change. Some things are just the way they are because they are. Stressing over what you cannot control becomes wasted energy.

2.) Understand your timeframe and realize the goal will take longer than you ever expect. Be patient, however long it takes. Do not live in your timeframe. Live in God’s timeframe.

3.) The process requires commitment. Through the pain, through the suffering, through the down times, trust the process. This third step is the most important of the listed three, because if you rush the process of your own character development, then you will fall short of your goals every time. Let the process take its course!

With these three steps actively realized in your life, you will SUCCEED! You will leave your MARK! You will follow through until you CROSS THE FINISH LINE!

Make the choice. Make the decision. Live to appreciate the moment. Accept what is. Do not worry about the timeframe. Learn from the process.


James L. Cartee III has traditionally published three poetry and photography books: Twenty-Three Deeply Rooted Confessions, Thirty-Five Virtuous Blueprints, and Eighteen Blessed Detours. He also completed his first nonfiction memoir, One Flight Short of a Cuckoo’s Nest, which serves to advocate for those who live with a mental illness. James actively writes guest blog entries, magazine articles, travel journals, and academic literature. As a young father, James maintains an inspirational blog about family with everyday spiritual topics at

James and his wife, Lisa, currently reside in Knoxville, Tennessee, and spend most of their time with their daughter, Annabelle. His family thoroughly enjoys nature, live music, and local involvement in a church community.

You can connect with James at:

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