Writing is a journey, and it oftentimes takes a while to understand the direction you should go in or how you should use the gifts and talents God bestowed upon you.
At the Southern Christian Writers Conference, we pride ourselves on the wide variety of workshop topics we present each year--and this year we're excited to have Tasha Scott help guide you along the way with her workshop session "Discover Your Writing Strengths."
Tasha is a sought-after inspirational speaker who is also the author of the books Don't Limit Me, Maximize Your Existence, and Fight for Your Next Level. She is the owner of Maximized Growth and is a John Maxwell Certified DISC trainer, speaker, and coach. She loves partnering with leaders to help them identify their strengths, become self-aware, and improve communication. She provides leadership training, executive coaching, and facilitates team building workshops. She lives in Montgomery, Alabama, with her husband of 22 years Morris and teenage daughter Milah.
Her workshop at the 2020 Virtual SCWC will focus on helping writers discover their gifts and strengths to become more productive.
I recently talked with Tasha about what she's up to and what she's looking forward to in regard to this year's SCWC.
How did you get involved as a writer? Did it come from your life coaching, or the other way around?
I started writing blogs. Writing was always a therapeutic outlet for me. When I was in the 6th grade, I was one of two people that won a writing contest in the whole school district in Colorado Springs. Later on, I fell in love with the process. I went on to write poetry. As time progressed, I fell away from the craft. Fast forward, as an entrepreneur, I hired a life coach to help me with personal issues that I was having. She encouraged me to journal as an outlet. I was reconnected with the passion of writing. My journals turned into my book, Don't Limit Me.
What writing project/s are you currently working on?
Lately, my projects have been writing curriculum for training courses, designed for leaders and influencers.
What role does your faith play in your writing?
Everything. When I journaled, I was able to express my thoughts and prayers. It wasn't until I wrote Don't Limit Me that I recognized the power of writing to help others heal.
Your workshop at the Virtual SCWC is called "DISCover your Writing Strengths." What do you hope attendees will learn from your workshop?
I love helping individuals really tap into their uniqueness and understanding how they are wired. As writers, I believe it's important to have increased self-awareness so that we can truly communicate to our audiences.
We'd love to have you at the Virtual Southern Christian Writers Conference on July 24-25. Tasha's workshop will be one of 15 available to watch; there will also be two keynote addresses, panel discussions, breakout sessions, virtual book room, one-on-one pitch times with agents and much more. Email us at scwritersconference@gmail.com for more information or to register. And get involved and learn more at the "Southern Christian Writers Conference" group on Facebook.