The new program currently offers "Writing and Publishing Articles: A Guide to Freelance Success" and "Line by Line: Copyediting your own Writing," with more classes coming soon.
The Southern Christian Writers Conference's goal has always been to provide quality information to aspiring writers who dream of finding success along their writing journey. We've now added a new way for us to provide this education to SCWC members and other writers through the newly-debuted SCWC Academy.
SCWC Academy is a new program that offers online courses on a variety of writing topics for writers in all genres. The classes are offered through a private access Youtube channel and are available at any time; there is no schedule, and students can take the self-paced courses on any schedule. This design makes the courses especially efficient and productive.
Two courses are currently available through SCWC Academy, with plans for many more coming soon. It's our hope that we can become a full-service course provider for writers interested in all manners of topics.
The following two courses are currently available:
* Writing and Publishing Articles: A Guide to Freelance Success *
This 5-week course, taught by SCWC Coordinator Cheryl Wray, covers all the basic topics you need to find success writing and publishing articles for magazines, newspapers, and online publications.
Session topics are:
An Introduction to Freelancing
Coming up with Publishable Ideas
Finding Markets and Writing Query Letters
Writing your Article
Taking the Next Steps
This class includes writing assignments for each session that you do on your own (and don't turn in), and then includes the opportunity to submit a query letter to the instructor for critique at the conclusion of the class.
This class also includes a course packet with handouts to help you in each session.
"Writing and Publishing Articles: A Guide to Freelance Success" costs just $69.
* Line by Line: Copyediting Your Own Writing *
This 4-week class, taught by professional copyeditor Lori White, provides you with valuable information to make any piece of writing as professional as possible. Correct common mistakes, learn about style issues, become your own editor, and much more. It is chock FULL of information!
Topics covered in this class are:
Resources and the Stages of Editing
Capitalization and Word Choice
Style Choice and Working with a Copyeditor
"Line by Line: Copyediting Your Own Writing" costs just $39
SCWC Academy instructors Lori White (left) and Cheryl Wray (above)
All SCWC Academy courses are open for registration now. Email us at to learn more or to sign up for either class.
And stay tuned for more information coming soon on additional SCWC Academy classes.