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Cheryl Wray

Members Share Writing Resolutions for the New Year

The old year has passed, and 2022 is here. For writers, the arrival of the new year can be a wonderful opportunity to get focused on goals and plans.

Southern Christian Writers Conference members recently shared some of their writing-related resolutions in the SCWC Facebook group.

Here are some of their plans for the upcoming year:

Publish secreted manuscripts stored away! (Grace Booth)

Finish the rough draft of my new novel and see my current one published. (Jack Cunningham)

I'm repurposing my blog. Continuing my podcasting. Publishing my children’s book. (Stephanie Rodda)

Focus more on my writing, stay motivated, and not get bogged down in the small things. (Debbie Baker)

Would like to get as close as possible to finishing my devotional book with my co-author. (Karen Allen)

My plan is to finish my book and get it published. (Pam Waddell)

After several years of not reading nearly enough, my 2022 goal is 3 books a month—either reading or listening! (Lori White)

Heading for publication! (Shannon Leach)

Setting my face like a flint to conquer my writing goals each week. (Mel Tavares)

Finish and self-publish my current novel by Easter. (Randy Pilz)

To hone my writing skills by taking a course which will improve my weaknesses. (June Chapko)

To learn more about social media marketing of published works. (Cathy Goonen)

As you look to the new year, what resolutions can you make to support your writing lifestyle? What goals do you need to make to be more effective and efficient in your writing? What plans can you make to go strongly toward your God-called writing dreams?

We'd love to hear from you about your plans for the new year. And, we'll pray blessings upon your endeavors.

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Jan 01, 2022

My goal is to get a contract to publish the three books in my Civil War series. Sending out a proposal this weekend.

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