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Easter Writing Challenge Winners

Cheryl Wray

What wonderful submissions we had for our “tiny Easter” writing challenge!

The challenge: In 100 words or less, write something about Easter. It could be a simple reflection, a memory, an informational piece, a description, even a poem. Your creativity guided your choices.

We got more submissions than we anticipated, and heard from many of you that it was a great jumpstart; writing in such a short space is a real challenge, but it’s also a good exercise to strengthen your writing. (Anton Chekhov, after all, once said that "conciseness is the sister of talent.")

We chose three top submissions (and, believe me, it was hard to pick!), and then also chose to share some of the other pieces sent to us. We think that they’re all worthy of recognition.

Thank you, as always, for your participation with the Southern Christian Writers Conference and all its endeavors.

Happy Easter. He is risen. Let us celebrate today and always!

Our Top 3

"The Long Saturday"

(by Carrie Bevell Partridge)

There is nothing written about how Jesus' followers spent their time on that long Saturday following Christ's death. We know now what happened on that Sunday, but Jesus' friends might not have understood...or believed...what was going to happen. Certainly they battled fear, doubt, and confusion on that Saturday--a day that they were commanded to rest and not work.

Isn't that just the way of our Savior? Rest. Believe. Let Me do the work

“Blonde Tufts and Bare Feet”

(by Danielle Waddell-Cranford)

Her blonde curls, gathered in two, tight tufts, whisper of the breeze. Her competitiveness shows as chubby 2-year-old legs dart from egg to egg, unaware another leaves the basket with each delicacy acquired.

Her bare feet know the yard well. Day by day, she and cousins runs from fence to fence, circling the pool, dodging the trampoline, climbing birch branches. Today is no different, only there are eggs.

The last snatched up, competitors count spoils to determine rank. Her gray eyes–heirlooms from Grandpa–water with demise.

A framed rectangle hangs, reminding of when the now 16-year-old’s moxie was clear as ever.

“Come and See”

(by Melissa Hanberry)

“Come and see!” Easter invites me for a fresh look at an ancient miracle.

I choose a familiar path now littered with husks of weaker faith and old regrets, their jagged edges softened by the mulch of grace. I continue beside a grave dug fresh for my daughter and my doubt, and feel no sting remains to slow my steps.

I share a knowing look with the tree as it revels in joy of new-sprung leaves covering winter’s scars. And I see beyond the rock moved from the cave my heart became to an empty tomb now filled with hope.

Our Other Favorites

"Because he lives, I can face tomorrow”

(by Kaci Lane Hindman)

This hymn has given me much-needed strength in the past week. Our church pastor died suddenly at age 65, when what was thought to be allergies turned into a virus taking over his organs. Nothing could have ever prepared us for this.

But we have found hope in knowing he lives on in heaven. And even more hope knowing the One who died so that he and all of God's children can live on in heaven also lives.

"The Day Between"

(by Wayne Brady)

Their hearts were ripped open. It wasn’t supposed to end this way. They expected Jesus’

victory over the cross to be different. He would raise a sword, slay all the soldiers, and

lead them triumphantly into the city.

Not this.

Jesus was dead. They saw Him executed, disposed of in a cave, and sealed behind a rock,

to never be seen again. Completely destroyed, no hope for these who followed Him to the end. What about their future? Would they follow the same fate as Jesus?

In another 24-hours, Jesus would begin revealing the Victory.

"The Twice Hidden Egg"

(by Nancy Duren)

We made our annoyed sister hunt her kids’ eggs, hidden in difficult places.

The last egg couldn’t be found. I told my sister, “I hid it in that tree root.” “Where? I don’t see it!” “Over there, by the…cat…wait…”

Max, my black cat, lay with his back to us, ignoring us. His twitching tail belied his apparent disinterest.  Intrigued, I reached under him, pulling out a brightly colored Easter egg.

My family erupted in laughter! My sister fumed at being duped by a cat! Max ran lopsided, his tail crimped above him as if laughing at his own joke!

"I Died that Day"

(by Doyce Powell)

I died that day! Once, I walked along with God! Shunned because of my disobedience. I thought it would mean separation, forever. Then, a promise was made in the Garden. One would come. The serpent would strike the heel of One sent, but the Promised One will crush the head of the serpent to end the  dominion of Sin forever.

Then, God came in the flesh. The precious Son of God, paid the price. He came where I am, so I could go where He is. Now, I live! The cross defeated, Resurrection Succeeded, Easter Celebration Repeated.

"Jesus, our Way to God"

(by Patricia Taylor)

Christmas is the Promise, but Easter the proof so true.

God's Gift sent to save us, and show us what to do.

He gave His life so we might know the way...

Saved by grace, as bright blood drops lay.

He sits at God's right hand in obedient love;

Until God says, "go get my children..." and smiles from above.

Resurrection we celebrate our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

"Easter Emptiness"

(by Joy Lucius)

A barren and bloodied cross, abandoned grave clothes, left in a vacant, borrowed tomb. Yes, His grave is empty. But that beautiful, miraculous emptiness offers us the fullness of salvation. Hallelujah! Jesus is risen.

"The Centurion"

(by Tim Johnson)

A drop of blood caught on the hand resting on his genuflected knee.

Borne down by the combined weight of his armor and the humbled realization, he still managed, his body racked with sudden nervous spasm, to look up to the figure hanging crucified above him. The pierced and broken body, but still a certain nobility to the shadowed face, the lips from which had just come rasped words, “It is finished.”

“Truly---he was the Son of GOD.” The centurion offered quietly. “But what happens now? I have hundreds to command. What do I tell them?”

"Between Agony and Joy"

(by Sammie Jo Barstow)

Friday was a day of abject agony for the disciples. Jesus had told them what would happen, but they were totally distraught.

Just a few hours later, however, the discovery of a glorious Sunday morning brought rejoicing! They were gathered together when the women excitedly shared the news. The tomb is empty! The Savior has risen! The disciples saw the empty tomb and believed.

But in between agony and joy was . . . Saturday. Grief, questions, doubts, broken hearts.

Have you ever experienced a time between agony and joy? Jesus still lives!

"Stolen Prize"

(by Jena Reeves)

It was our neighborhood Easter egg hunt. My neighbor told us there was one special egg.  The prize egg.

Kneeling in front of a tree, I pulled back some straw revealing the bright plastic egg.  The prize egg. I gasped in delight! Reaching in to pick up the prize, my fingertips were just about to touch it when a boy ran by and grabbed it.  My young heart fell. Time stopped.

His followers thought he came to overcome. Kneeling in front of a cross, they watched him die.  Their hearts fell. Time stopped.

Then came the morning.


(by Denise Gray Dupree)

The sanctuary was illuminated with shades of purple. A rugged cross, topped with a crown of thorns, stood behind the choir stand.  Kai entered the foyer and received a program. The muffled melody of “Holy, Holy, Holy” could be heard.

Before he opened the sanctuary door, for his yearly visit, he adjusted his new suit. Kai walked toward the pew his mother always occupied. He found only her pink dress.  The choir was gone. Pastel outfits draped every pew in the room.

Kai’s phone vibrated. It was a text from his mother: It’s Easter. I hope you don’t miss Jesus.

"My Easter Weekend Birthday"

(by Katy Kauffman)

One little girl wanted to know Him.

She knew she needed Him.

She had heard about Jesus—His love, death, and life.

One little girl asked her parents to share with her.

They sat down and shared again

The gospel—its love, redemption, and life.

One little girl asked Jesus to come into her heart.

She grew up and wanted to share His word with others.

He became her world—her love, purpose, and life.

One grown woman looks back thirty years

On the night she was saved, the night before Easter.

She celebrates the joy of a forever life.

"A Memory"

(by Julie Hedgepeth Williams)

Oh, that beautiful Easter dress when I was six!  It was white with pink flowers embroidered on it in the manner of eyelet lace, with a pale pink skirt.  I measure all Easter dresses against that one.

Then my parents sold it at a garage sale.  I touched it and smoothed it, not wanting it to go… but I squared my shoulders and knew I had to be a big girl and accept that I couldn’t use it any more.  And that made me feel so grown up.

That’s exactly what the right clothes can do for a girl….

"Easter Memory"

(by Stephanie Rodda)

Here comes Peter Cottontail, hopping down the bunny trail!

Those few words transport me across the years to when I was a little girl sitting on my grandpa’s knee. I loved Grandpa. I spent many of my growing years by his side.

Of course that meant I was also near my precious grandma. Grandpa nicknamed her Sister Gravy because she enjoyed church and made exceptional gravy!

My Easter memories with grandma include egg hunts and Easter Bonnets with coordinating gloves.  And of course, Jesus, whom we were celebrating!

I’m thankful for Easter, the memories and the promises that it holds.

"Jesus the ultimate victor"

(by Eddie Burchifeld)

Man found himself in a bad way-

Because Adam chose sin one day;

This put man in a perilous place-

Between God and man now lies a great space;

What could man do to repair this great breach

Sin has now made it hard to reach;

To reach God requires a blood sacrifice-

Sin causes man not to play nice;

A Bull, a goat, or a turtle dove -

how many would have to die to win God’s great love;

God has a plan for fallen man -

A sinless sacrifice to break the band;

The band of sin can only be removed-

When we believe on Christ, and are no longer fooled;

The Devil is a liar, and a sorry host -

Christ died, and sent the Holy Ghost;

When a man believes in Christ, it makes the Devil sore -

Because Jesus Christ is the ultimate victor.”

"Did You Hear?"

(by Shirley Crowder)

Mom was the quintessential earthly example of one who consistently

radiated the joy of the Lord.

In the weeks leading up to Easter Mom greeted everyone, including complete strangers, with a joyful and excited question: "Did you hear the Good News?" Most would say, "No, what?"

Mom's response would often catch the person off guard when she would excitedly

say, "HE HAS RISEN!!"

This is the truth of Easter, God sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross

for our sins, and to arise victoriously on the third day. HE IS RISEN! HE


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