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Cheryl Wray

10 Simple Things You Can do for Your Writing in the New Year

1. Devise a year-end plan. Work backwards and decide what you want to have accomplished as 2020 comes to an end. Be specific in your goals, and confident that they can be accomplished. Do you want to finish your novel? Publish 10 magazine articles? Have a poem selected for publication. Know your year-end goal, then figure out what you need to do to accomplish it in a practical way.

2. Write everyday. You don't have to write 2000 words every day on your can be much simpler than that. Come up with a reasonable daily goal--write for 10 minutes, write in a journal, generate ideas for articles, etc.--but resolve to do it every single day. Habits are made in 30 days, so write everyday for a whole month and see how you're doing.

3. Learn more about the craft of writing. Engage in activities that will teach you more about the writing you want to do. Sign up for a writing conference, join a writing group, attend a writing workshop, take a class. Read books and articles on writing, find helpful websites that provide quality information--any action that can teach you more.

4. Find a mentor or partner. Community is so important for a writer's success, so find someone in 2020 who can help you toward your goals. Find a partner who can keep you accountable, or find a mentor who can guide you.

5. Pick a word for 2020 that you can dedicate to your writing. Pray about and select a single word that can illustrate what you want to accomplish in the next year in regards to your writing.

6. Pick a Bible verse for 2020 that you can dedicate to your writing. How can God's word strengthen you as you focus on writing in the new year? Select a Bible verse or passage that encourages you in your writing dreams and goals.

7. Try something different. Go outside of your comfort zone and try a different type of writing than you're used to. Vever tried to write poetry? do it this year; never written a nonfiction article? give it a shot.

8. Enter a writing challenge. There are many writing challenges and prompts posted online; they'll get you going when you think you have nothing to write about. (We often post challenges in our "Southern Christian Writers Conference" Facebook group. Do one this year.)

9. Let go of perfection. Everything you write doesn't have to be perfect; the need for perfection, in fact, can keep you from getting any writing completed. Just write, without worrying too much about the end result. You'll have plenty of time to fix and improve it later.

10. Let go of fear. God does not impart to us a spirit of fear, but one of confidence and courage. This applies to your writing as well; don't be afraid. Trust that God can work through you.

Here's to a blessed (and productive) 2020!

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